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  • Writer's pictureGWPlus

La Niña under way in the tropical Pacific

The ENSO Outlook dial was again raised to LA NIÑA after an already prolonged La Niña in 2021-2022. The event will now be sustained until at least the end of 2022.

La Niña conditions increase the chance of above-average spring and summer rainfall in northern and eastern Australia. These regions are already highly saturated from the 2021-22 season. As a result, there will be a heightened risk of flooding and surface water runoff in the current forecast event.

The Department of Environment and Science (DES) recently reminded EA holders of their responsibilities concerning water management during the upcoming wet season, with a particular emphasis on site stormwater management systems, monitoring and reporting requirements.

To assist operators, we have identified simple and effective actions to ensure you are well prepared and your site procedures are relevant and up-to-date according to industry standards.

Our pre-wet season inspection service will review any existing stormwater and erosion controls and include a recommendation report to assist with pre-wet season preparedness. The inspection can also review compliance against relevant approval conditions to identify any compliance risks proactively.

Contact us on 1800 GW PLUS (1800 497 587) to book a pre-wet season inspection.

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